With so many options available, it’s easy to buy the wrong stove !

There are so many brands in market that sell Glass Top Gas stove or Glass Top Gas Burner. And as it says with so many options available, its easy to purchase the wrong one. So be care full with your choice. Do a proper research before you buy one. The chulah , the sigri , the wood stove or the kerosene stove already replaced by Gas Stoves. Glass Top Gas Burner are in trends these days. With gas stoves, cooks can easily control the heat in the way they need it for cooking according to the dish. With Four Burner Glass Top Gas Burner, anyone can easily handle to cook at the same time four different dishes needing heat at different rates.

Key points to Choose Stylish yet  the right Gas stove:


Four gas stoves have now been greatly improved in Quality as well as in working. The design of burners is being refined constantly. Their proficiency is on the rise. 2 or 3 rings, rust proof brass burners are very common these days. Cooking rate became faster. Gas stoves come with auto ignition these days, meaning that the gas will be lighted automatically as soon as the burner knob is turned on. Jindal Gloria 4 Burner Cooktop have an excellent top. Comes with toughened glass that improves the looks of your kitchen. The space between the burners is enough to allow cooking in case of you have to use bigger utensils for more the one persons. One plus glass top gas stoves are also easy to clean.

Built-in hobs

Families can now go in for built-in hobs having four-burner glass top gas burner. They have still more efficient burners comparison with other commonly used gas stove burners. And they also look stylish and thinner in shape. They definitely add style to your kitchen. Various brands nowadays offering four burners glass top gas burner in the price range of Rs5000 to Rs15000. The built-in hobs will cost you a little bit more.


Unlimited Options

Four-burner Glass Gas Top Burner buy Online: Online portals now offer Four-Burner Stoves of literally hundreds of brands. Many Global brands have now entered the online shopping business in India in the form of various eCommerce website in a large way. There is a tough competition among all of the to grab a substantial chunk of the online shopping business. With that aim, they are promising very competitive prices, sales, discounts from 10% to 80% festival offers, significant warranty periods, free home delivery, cash on delivery and good after-sales services. These companies make their product selling strategy very carefully and choose the best stove @ the lowest price.

More convenience

While purchasing Gas stoves, Buyers also think to buy a efficient chimney for the kitchen. The kitchen chimney is built just above the gas cooktops to collect & carry away all fumes, gases, vapours, smoke, oil and other particles like odours out of the kitchen. It ensures that the kitchen atmosphere remains good for health as well as for your mind. It keeps your kitchen clean from oil and grease particles that stick with your kitchen walls.

Easy handling

Due to its Compact and Slim size it is very easy to handle. You can easily make room if you wants to add another Gas Stove on your kitchen shelf.

You Don’t Have To Be A Weightlifting Champion To Move A Gas Cylinder…!!!!

One of the major problems encountered in the kitchen is to handle and transport the cylinders. The introduction of cylinder trolleys has put an end to all such issues in the simplest way possible. They can transport the cylinders with ease. Slowly and steadily, these devices are turning out to be a popular kitchen appliance in India. If you have planned to buy a cylinder trolley, there is absolutely no better place than online stores. It is because; the departmental stores in your vicinity may not be as smart as you are. The chances of getting the best cylinder trolleys are high on online stores. We present you all about cylinder trolley online shopping. Check it out..!!

Benefits of Cylinder Trolleys:

  • Cylinders are not that easy to lift and move around. Every time you have to move the cylinder in the kitchen, you close your eyes, pray to god and drag it with all your might burning hundreds of calories. Not to forget, there are chances that mishandling can result in injuries. If you have a cylinder trolley, a simple push can do the work for you.
  • Kitchen floors are not as hard as human hearts…!!! You have to be soft on them. Dragging cylinders can result in marks on the floor and most importantly the harsh sound which irritates the other person to the peaks. Once again, it’s a time to thank cylinder trolleys.25_trolley
  • An important thing to be noted while transporting the cylinders is that, they must always be positioned vertically upwards. It’s a common sight to see people rolling them on the ground, which just makes things worse and often can result in an explosion. Placing the cylinder in the cylinder trolley can ensure perfect positioning of the cylinder.


  • When we say cylinder trolley, we must specify our requirement. Cylinder trolleys are designed distinctly for medical and house hold purposes. The medical cylinder trolleys have a slender structure and a belt to hold on the long cylinders. Kitchen cylinder trolleys are designed only to support the base and not the entire body.
  • In general, it has four wheels to facilitate easy locomotion in multiple directions.
  • We can find plastics and stainless steel materials used extensively in their manufacture. Make sure that these materials are corrosion resistant and are strong enough to support the heavy loads.
  • The wheels are made out of rubber in order to protect the floor from being damaged. Rubber wheels can also provide a comfortable ride for your cylinder.

A Few Safety Habits:

  • Make sure to place the cylinder in a well ventilated area.
  • Placing two cylinders close to each other is not advisable.
  • Avoid placing combustible fluids or substances anywhere close to the cylinders. They only increase the chances of fire accidents.
  • There must be at least a distance of one meter between electrical wiring and cylinder.
  • If you are placing your range near the window, you have to be a little more cautions. Never ever use long curtains for your windows.
  • Always have a check on the gas leakage. If you sense the gas leaking out, ensure perfect ventilation by opening windows and doors; and then move out of the kitchen.
  • Never expose your cylinder to the external environment like sunlight and rainfall.

Some easy tips to get a clean and odour free kitchen

Everyone wants to have a clean and good looking kitchen. Cleaning a kitchen can be a hefty and tiring task. Additionally, many people might not know how to clean kitchen properly so that it could have stainless and odourless feel. There are areas like kitchen sink, refrigerators etc that can be really tricky to clean during cleaning your kitchen. If you also feel confused on how to clean kitchen in an efficient way, here are some useful tips that can be of great help for you.

Cleaning your refrigerator

First of all, take all your food items stored in the refrigerator out of it. After you empty it, you can take a damp cloth and clean the inside of the refrigerator using a mild cleaning solution. After all the stains are removed from the inside of the refrigerator, take a dry cloth and wipe the moisture from the refrigerator and put back all your food items in to it.



Cleaning a microwave can be really a tricky task. For effective cleaning of your microwave, you can use this trick. Take some damp paper towels. Place them inside the microwave and close it. Now turn the microwave on for two minutes. When the paper towels get heated, the steam produced from them would loosen the dirt inside the microwave. Now put the microwave off, take those paper towels and wipe out the entire dirt from inside the microwave.

Hand blender

After every use, you need to clan your hand blender or it would be very difficult to clean it in future. A very simple trick can be very helpful in cleaning your hand blender very easily. Put some drops of soap or cleaning solution in to the pitcher and turn the blender on for one minute. This will thoroughly clean your hand blender in very less time.

Kitchen tiles

Kitchen tiles can easily get stained from grease and food spillage, which are very hard to remove. Take some vinegar and some lemon juice, mix it in water and apply on the stains and wipe them out after a minute. Your kitchen tiles will be cleaned in a minute using this solution. You can also use chemical cleaning solutions but they might harm the surface of the tile and deface them.

Kitchen floors

Kitchen floors can be hard to clean as the stains that are present on the kitchen floor are very strong and stubborn. One of the hardest stains to remove is the rust marks from the gas cylinder. Once your kitchen is stained from these stains, it takes forever to remove them. To avoid such situations, you should use gas cylinder trolley buy online and use them in your kitchen. To clean these stains, you will need very hard chemical solutions that can be harmful for the tiles of your kitchen floors.