Some easy tips to get a clean and odour free kitchen

Everyone wants to have a clean and good looking kitchen. Cleaning a kitchen can be a hefty and tiring task. Additionally, many people might not know how to clean kitchen properly so that it could have stainless and odourless feel. There are areas like kitchen sink, refrigerators etc that can be really tricky to clean during cleaning your kitchen. If you also feel confused on how to clean kitchen in an efficient way, here are some useful tips that can be of great help for you.

Cleaning your refrigerator

First of all, take all your food items stored in the refrigerator out of it. After you empty it, you can take a damp cloth and clean the inside of the refrigerator using a mild cleaning solution. After all the stains are removed from the inside of the refrigerator, take a dry cloth and wipe the moisture from the refrigerator and put back all your food items in to it.



Cleaning a microwave can be really a tricky task. For effective cleaning of your microwave, you can use this trick. Take some damp paper towels. Place them inside the microwave and close it. Now turn the microwave on for two minutes. When the paper towels get heated, the steam produced from them would loosen the dirt inside the microwave. Now put the microwave off, take those paper towels and wipe out the entire dirt from inside the microwave.

Hand blender

After every use, you need to clan your hand blender or it would be very difficult to clean it in future. A very simple trick can be very helpful in cleaning your hand blender very easily. Put some drops of soap or cleaning solution in to the pitcher and turn the blender on for one minute. This will thoroughly clean your hand blender in very less time.

Kitchen tiles

Kitchen tiles can easily get stained from grease and food spillage, which are very hard to remove. Take some vinegar and some lemon juice, mix it in water and apply on the stains and wipe them out after a minute. Your kitchen tiles will be cleaned in a minute using this solution. You can also use chemical cleaning solutions but they might harm the surface of the tile and deface them.

Kitchen floors

Kitchen floors can be hard to clean as the stains that are present on the kitchen floor are very strong and stubborn. One of the hardest stains to remove is the rust marks from the gas cylinder. Once your kitchen is stained from these stains, it takes forever to remove them. To avoid such situations, you should use gas cylinder trolley buy online and use them in your kitchen. To clean these stains, you will need very hard chemical solutions that can be harmful for the tiles of your kitchen floors.

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